11月15日 线上 | ULI亚太区住房可获得性指数
English follows Chinese (后附英文版)
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With the goal of supporting cities and members of the development community working to address longstanding home affordability challenges, ULI has conducted its pilot Home Attainability Index for Asia Pacific. The first edition covers 28 cities in five counties in the region, and it aims to provide information that will help identify gaps in home attainability, provide better context to understand residential markets, and, over time, enable city, regional and national comparisons to inform housing production, policy, and financing decisions.
Join our panel of housing experts from across the region to discuss the key findings of the Asia Pacific Home Attainability Index and how we can collectively continue this important dialogue on increasing housing attainability in the region.
Event Registration
Scan the below QR code and register the event.
Complimentary to members; non-members USD30
For more information, or questions on your ULI membership please contact asiamembership@uli.org.
ULI China Mainland
Tel: +021 3353 8532 Email: chinamainland@uli.org Website: china.uli.org